I have always been attracted in some strange way from the nature. When was a child I had a lot of problems with my parents, because all the time I could not understand why I is so impossible to sleep with a mouse in a jar in my bed, or to give a party for all cats in the neighborhood home, or...

Well... I grew older and many of my childish dreams become reality. In the years I have had aquariums, dogs, cats, hedgehog, dormouse, several kinds of snakes, frog, triton, parrots... and some others. But time passed and one beautiful day I started to be interested of predators. And so... I get married. Haw could I knew that this sweet little predator (you can see her on the picture in "About me") one by one will swallow all my home animals? Who do you love more, me or this hairy.......... Have you heard this?

I am joking of-course. I still have some animals... in the yard. And some plants as you can see on these pictures.

I found bonsai for myself in 1993year. It appeared to be a perfect occupation for a mild idiot like me. To sit in the garden and to observe how the trees in the pot are growing. To "harass" them for preventing to fast developing. To climb the hills with mattock, and shovel in the late, muddy and foggy autumn. Yes job just for me. I try to fire some friends for this kind of pleasure, but after one of them asked me if I have been certified soon, stopped attempting.

And now, let me present you my silent menagerie.


On this page are family "Betula alba".

Pictures 1 and 2 are of about 18 years old tree taken from Vitosha Mountain 5 years ago. Disheveled tree with character. Don't want to grow in refereed direction.


3 and 4 are with me from six years. Obedient but lazy trees.


5, 6 and 7 are pictures of the same tree. Rather two trees in a see rock. They are here sins the time they were fat as a matchstick - almost 8 years. The see water is poisonous for the trees, that's why I left the stone to stay 2 years on the sun and after that transplanted them in it.

1 2
3 4
5 6